he Triton was laden with cargo and homeward bound when it ran aground one moonless night. Not by foul weather, but by wicked cave fairies. For mischief alone, these sprites took to wrecking ships from the beach using false lights that looked like restful vessels at anchor.
he Triton was laden with cargo and
homeward bound when it ran aground
one moonless night. Not by foul weather,
but by wicked cave fairies. For mischief
alone, these sprites took to wrecking ships
from the beach using false lights that
looked like restful vessels at anchor.
The ship was cleaved in two on a jagged rock with Grace, the Captain’s Daughter, the sole survivor. Washed ashore and into the cave, a sad and bedraggled Grace survived on barnacles clinging to the damp rocks and rainwater trickling through the crevices. Lost within a dungeon of tunnels, it was scant existence.
The ship was cleaved in two on a jagged
rock with Grace, the Captain’s Daughter,
the sole survivor. Washed ashore and into
the cave, a sad and bedraggled Grace
survived on barnacles clinging to the damp
rocks and rainwater trickling through the
crevices. Lost within a dungeon of tunnels,
it was scant existence.
Till one day, Grace heard the sound of pipes and it was like a bright sun upon a cool glen. Following the notes, the Captain’s Daughter came upon the piper of Claynard Bay, who’d been trying to summon his trusty hound (now, long gone). The two poor souls were united and grew so close as to be like daughter and father.
Till one day, Grace heard the sound of
pipes and it was like a bright sun upon a
cool glen. Following the notes, the Captain’s
Daughter came upon the piper of
Claynard Bay, who’d been trying to
summon his trusty hound (now, long gone).
The two poor souls were united and grew
so close as to be like daughter and father.
They made a life of it such as one could until, one sorry day, the piper was searching for a way out when Grace was caught by the wicked fairies. They’d recently returned to the cave and transformed Grace into their kind, as was their foul nature. The piper was distraught with Grace’s disappearance for she was bright company in that inky cave. He had no idea what had become of her and grew disheartened. Moreover, he had to hide from those wicked spirits. And so his fate was sealed, a celebrated piper prevented from playing his beloved music.
They made a life of it such as one could until,
one sorry day, the piper was searching for a
way out when Grace was caught by the
wicked fairies. They’d recently returned to the
cave and transformed Grace into their kind, as
was their foul nature.
The piper was distraught with Grace’s
disappearance for she was bright company in
that inky cave. He had no idea what had
become of her and grew disheartened.
Moreover, he had to hide from those wicked
spirits. And so his fate was sealed, a celebrated
piper prevented from playing his beloved music.
Confirm you are of legal drinking age where you are at the moment.