any moons had risen and fallen. The piper wandered aimlessly, trapped in a maze of tunnels conjured up by the wicked fairies who often inhabited that cursed cave. The piper had all but given up. His body was feeble and mind weak. What good was a piper who, fearful of the supernatural around him, was afraid to play?
any moons had risen and fallen.
The piper wandered aimlessly, trapped in
a maze of tunnels conjured up by the
wicked fairies who often inhabited that
cursed cave. The piper had all but given
up. His body was feeble and mind weak.
What good was a piper who, fearful of
the supernatural around him, was afraid
to play?
Slumped against the cold rock in a blackened corner, small fortune smiled upon our piper. He overheard two wicked fairies talking. They were tiring of their lazy leader. He rarely schemed on ways to trap humans in the cave, so that they could be turned into evil spirits. Those whispered words sparked a bold idea.
Slumped against the cold rock in a blackened
corner, small fortune smiled upon our
piper. He overheard two wicked fairies
talking. They were tiring of their lazy
leader. He rarely schemed on ways to trap
humans in the cave, so that they could be
turned into evil spirits. Those whispered
words sparked a bold idea.
Moments later the cave shook with sound. Playing loudly, the piper marched into the fairies’ lair. Drawing breath, the piper explained that his tunes would tempt passers- by into the cave. The fickle spirits listened on, nodding. All but one welcomed the plan. When put to the vote, it was agreed that the piper be their new king.
Moments later the cave shook with sound.
Playing loudly, the piper marched into the
fairies’ lair. Drawing breath, the piper explained
that his tunes would tempt passers-
by into the cave. The fickle spirits listened
on, nodding. All but one welcomed
the plan. When put to the vote, it was
agreed that the piper be their new king.
Pity those poor souls lured within. A darkness cloaked the piper’s heart and, over time, he became unrecognisable. A human form twisted by music’s ghastly power. At first, only strangers were attracted by the tunes. Later, even the locals could not resist that dreadful danger. Until one villager, accompanied by his dog, entered the cave. The animal was once the piper’s faithful hound. This reunion with the now fiendish king lifted the wickedness. Suddenly, our restored piper knew what he must do to save his human kind. Picking up his pipes, he began to play with a thundering sound until the cave itself collapsed, sealing the wicked fairies inside.
Pity those poor souls lured within. A darkness
cloaked the piper’s heart and, over time, he
became unrecognisable. A human form twisted
by music’s ghastly power. At first, only strangers
were attracted by the tunes. Later, even the
locals could not resist that dreadful danger. Until
one villager, accompanied by his dog, entered
the cave. The animal was once the piper’s faithful
hound. This reunion with the now fiendish
king lifted the wickedness. Suddenly, our restored
piper knew what he must do to save his
human kind. Picking up his pipes, he began to
play with a thundering sound until the cave itself
collapsed, sealing the wicked fairies inside.
Confirm you are of legal drinking age where you are at the moment.